The BBC has revived its much loved, long-running series of one-off sitcoms, Comedy Playhouse, with a host of Scott Marshall clients included on their cast lists. Last Tuesday, Mary Roscoe appeared alongside Hugh Dennis and Neil Morrissey in the hilarious Over to Bill – following BBC weatherman Bill Onion who is fired during a departmental shakeup.
The second offering in the series, Miller’s Mountain, which airs tonight on BBC1 at 10:40pm, follows a similarly comedic strain, centring on the antics of energetic Jimmy Miller (played by Jimmy Chisholm) and his family of Mountain Rescue Volunteers. The brilliant Jonathan Watson appears as volunteer Ronnie, alongside a stellar cast including My Mad Fat Diary’s Sharon Rooney.
And finally, the masterful James Fleet stars as the Abbot in Monk- the last of the seriesairing on Tuesday 13 May. Following young Gary Woodcroft’s (played by comedian Seann Walsh) bungled attempt to outrun benefit fraud prosecutors by hiding at the local monastery, Monks will undeniably have its audiences in stiches as it brings to a close the Comedy Playhouse’s most welcomed return to the BBC.
Over to Billcan currently be caught on BBC iPlayer, whilst Miller’s Mountain airs on Tuesday 6 May at 10:40pm and Monks airs on Tuesday 13 Mayat the same time.